We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Nimesh Gautam please sign in and let everyone know.

National crash statistics 2065-66 to 2074-75

We're waiting for Nimesh Gautam to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Police Headquater,Naxal,

With utmost respect and deep gratitude, i would like to request the national crash data for the fiscal year 2065-66 to 2074-75. The sole purpose of using this data is for research purpose for road safety in Nepal.

Yours faithfully,

Nimesh Gautam
Student,Pulchowk Campus
Roll No: 072BCE086
Citizenship number: 06/57981

Police Headquater,Naxal

Dear Gautam bhai

I m no more in the position , i have been retired since last year Pls find the contact no of Police spokesman @ nepalpolice.gov.np and request cor the data .
Best regards

Kamal Singh Bam

Sent from my iPhone

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Nimesh Gautam please sign in and let everyone know.