We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Vijay Pathak please sign in and let everyone know.

Air Pollution Data

We're waiting for Vijay Pathak to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Hello sarkaar,

hello! I'm a Computing student and I'm doing my final year project in air prediction system. I need the data of air pollution from here (http://pollution.gov.np/#/stations/3?_k=...) so that I could create a forecasting system. I visited the Department of Environment Air Quality Monitoring department and dropped a letter and have chat with officers. I explained in every possible way how I could use the public data so I could predict the emission on future. My sole purpose is to raise awareness among the general people. They would just say I cannot have a data or their policy isn't strong enough to let the students or anyone give access to API or even past data in an unprofessional way. Later, they would agree to me on a month data limiting with one place with wouldn't help on my project. Isn't your sole purpose of the department to raise awareness? Why is this department hiding the data? They would convince me replying the system isn't build or polished. I just want to ask a question why is the same department allowing the API to the foreign organization here (https://aqicn.org/map/nepal/#@g/27.4233/...) and cannot trust their own citizen? I hope you will help me and clear my doubts. thanks

Yours faithfully,
Vijay Pathak

Hello sarkaar

Read Msg

Hello sarkaar

* वन तथा वातावरण मन्त्रालय पठाइएको छ ।
* दर्ता नम्बर : 10-2018-MOKX4T , दर्ता मिति: 2018-10-07



On 2018-10-05 13:04, Vijay Pathak wrote:

Dear Hello sarkaar,

hello! I'm a Computing student and I'm doing my final year project in
air prediction system. I need the data of air pollution from here
([1]http://pollution.gov.np/#/stations/3?_k=...) so that I could
create a forecasting system. I visited the Department of Environment Air
Quality Monitoring department and dropped a letter and have chat with
officers. I explained in every possible way how I could use the public
data so I could predict the emission on future. My sole purpose is to
raise awareness among the general people. They would just say I cannot
have a data or their policy isn't strong enough to let the students or
anyone give access to API or even past data in an unprofessional way.
Later, they would agree to me on a month data limiting with one place
with wouldn't help on my project. Isn't your sole purpose of the
department to raise awareness? Why is this department hiding the data?
They would convince me replying the system isn't build or polished. I
just want to ask a question why is the same department allowing the API
to the foreign organization here
([2]https://aqicn.org/map/nepal/#@g/27.4233/...) and cannot trust
their own citizen? I hope you will help me and clear my doubts. thanks

Yours faithfully,
Vijay Pathak


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Visible links
1. http://pollution.gov.np/#/stations/3?_k=...
2. https://aqicn.org/map/nepal/#@g/27.4233/...
3. mailto:[FOI #48 इमेल]
4. mailto:[central gov अनुरोध इमेल]
5. https://asknepal.info/en/change_request/...
6. https://asknepal.info/en/help/officers

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Vijay Pathak please sign in and let everyone know.