सबै खोज अनुरोधहरू हेर्नुहोस्

About 57 FOI requests found

Education budget data spent by each ward and schools in FY 2080/81
Ministry of Education द्वारा Sarila Ngakhusi लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

हस्तान्तरण त्रुटी

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Corruption Bill Ammendment
Ministry of Law, Justice, Constituent Assembly and Parliamentary Affairsलाई Rhythm Adhikariद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

ढिलाइ गरिएको।

श्री Ministry of Law, Justice, Constituent Assembly and Parliamentary Affairs, yo naya bill ma 5 barsa bhanda agadi ko corruption cases ma kina mudda...
Total number of registered IT (Information Technology) companies in Nepal.
Ministry of Commerce and Supplies द्वारा Bina लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

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hospitalisation and death data for Flu and RSV
Ministry of Health and Populationलाई Katharina Lauerद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

लामो बाँकी ।

I would like to request the following data points stratified by date, age group and sex for the time period 2010-2022. Number of patients hospital...
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mbox.wlink.com.np. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permane...
Requesting Source for statement "Nepal is Second Richest Country in Water Resources"
Ministry of Education द्वारा AR Subedi लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

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श्री Office of the PM and the Council of Ministers, भर्खरै नेपालका खबर पत्रिकामा नेपाल संघीय सरकार, तथा प्रदेश २ सरकारले झलनाथ खनाल स्वास्थ्य विज्ञा...
काठाडौं राष्ट्रिय राजधानी हो भने बागमती प्रदेशको हिस्सा कसरी
Kathmandu Metroलाई गणेश भुजेलद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

लामो बाँकी ।

श्री Kathmandu Metro, मलाई थाह छैन यो प्रश्न को संग गर्ने परन्तु जिज्ञासा बढेकोले तपाईं संग सोध्न लागेको। काठमाण्डौ देशको राष्ट्रिय राजधानी हो भने ब...
"Fund allocation for preventive medicine"
Ministry of Health and Populationलाई Kiranद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

लामो बाँकी ।

As we know that, What data gets ,measured data get, a old proverb but ministry of health and population is not giving priority in generating data ....
National crash statistics 2065-66 to 2074-75
Police Headquater,Naxal द्वारा Nimesh Gautam लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

Dear Gautam bhai I m no more in the position , i have been retired since last year Pls find the contact no of Police spokesman @ nepalpolice.gov.np an...
Air Pollution Data
Hello sarkaar द्वारा Vijay Pathak लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

* वन तथा वातावरण मन्त्रालय पठाइएको छ । * दर्ता नम्बर : 10-2018-MOKX4T , दर्ता मिति: 2018-10-07     On 2018-10-05 13:04, Vijay Pathak wrote: De...
Application for RTI NEpal
Badimalika Municipality Office द्वारा Sagar Ghimire लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

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Application for RTI DATA
Badimalika Municipality Office द्वारा Sagar Ghimire लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

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Need Data of KTM Budget
Kathmandu Metroलाई Nikesh Balamiद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

I need data on latest Kathmandu Budget. Yours faithfully, Nikesh Balami
Incentives and supports for biomass energy companies
Ministry of Energyलाई Nirmalद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

लामो बाँकी ।

what are the incentives and supports your ministry has been providing in order to promote bio mass energy companies and projects? Yours faithfully,...
TU negligence may destroy our future
Gorkhapatraलाई samir bhandariद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

लामो बाँकी ।

श्री Gorkhapatra, Being Nepal biggest university TU has several mistakes regarding its question paper. today bba second semester, maths exam, there w...
Regarding No Horn Kathmandu.
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport द्वारा Amit Shrestha लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

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Regarding Zebra Crossing Rule
Hello sarkaar द्वारा Rameshwor Dhakal लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

लामो बाँकी ।

तपाइकाे गुनासाे च.नं. ५३७२२ वाट गृह मन्त्रालय पठाइएकाे छ ।
The new budget of nepal.
Hello sarkaar द्वारा Sagun Maharjan लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

आंशिकरूपमा सफल

तपाइले यसकाे लागि अर्थ मन्त्रालयकाे वेवसाइट www.mof.gov.np मा गएर हेर्न सक्नुहुनेछ ।
Affiliation from university
Ministry of Education द्वारा Rabi Raj Khadka लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

लामो बाँकी ।

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शिक्षा नियमावलि २०७३
Ministry of Education द्वारा Dipendra Bahadur Chand लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

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धान को प्रजाति
Ministry of Agriculture Development द्वारा Saurav Shrestha लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

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FDI inflow in Nepal by year
फल्लोअप् Mohammad Rabbani द्वारा Ministry of Commerce and Supplies लाई मा पठाइएको छ |

लामो बाँकी ।

I missed to mention FDI inflows into our country in different years. I hope i will get the numbers soon. Yours faithfully, Mohammad Rabbani
Budget for Nepali year 2073
Code for nepal द्वारा Kavyaa लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

आंशिकरूपमा सफल

Dear Kavyaa, Thank you for your question. Code for Nepal budget for FY 2015 was less than $5000. --  Code for Nepal Team.
Budget for Nepali year 2073
Ministry of Health and Population द्वारा Kavyaa लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै।

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