Ministry of Health and Population

एक सार्वजनिक निकाय, MoHP पनि भनिने

4 अनुरोधहरू
hospitalisation and death data for Flu and RSV
Ministry of Health and Populationलाई Katharina Lauerद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

धेर्रै बाँकी

Dear Ministry of Health and Population, I would like to request the following data points stratified by date, age group and sex for the time period 20...
"Fund allocation for preventive medicine"
Ministry of Health and Populationलाई Kiranद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

धेर्रै बाँकी

Dear Ministry of Health and Population, As we know that, What data gets ,measured data get, a old proverb but ministry of health and population is no...
Budget for Nepali year 2073
Ministry of Health and Population द्वारा Kavyaa लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. Thi...
"Rautes" of Western Nepal
Ministry of Health and Population द्वारा Anuja KC लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

आंशिक रूपमा सफल

Updated response: While Ministry of Health and Population has not offered in provision to facilitate the indigenous group, based on the news sources...

प्रयोग गरेर मात्र अनुरोध Ask Nepal देखाइएको छ। ?