Ministry of Commerce and Supplies

एक सार्वजनिक निकाय, MOCS पनि भनिने

3 अनुरोधहरू
Total number of registered IT (Information Technology) companies in Nepal.
Ministry of Commerce and Supplies द्वारा Bina लाई मा प्रतिक्रिया जनाइयो।

वर्गिकरण कुर्दै

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. Thi...
FDI inflow in Nepal by year
फल्लोअप् Mohammad Rabbani द्वारा Ministry of Commerce and Supplies लाई मा पठाइएको छ |

धेर्रै बाँकी

Dear Ministry of Commerce and Supplies, I missed to mention FDI inflows into our country in different years. I hope i will get the numbers soon. Y...
Budget for Nepali year 2073
Ministry of Commerce and Suppliesलाई Kavyaaद्वारा मा अनुरोध पठाइएको छ |

धेर्रै बाँकी

Dear Ministry of Commerce and Supplies, What is your budget for Nepali year 2073? Yours faithfully, Kavyaa Rizal

प्रयोग गरेर मात्र अनुरोध Ask Nepal देखाइएको छ। ?